You are correct; the alliance between the Bible-thumpers and the Right-wing IS "unholy." We also know that many people in the USA hold beliefs contrary to those held by "Christian nationalists." The Founders (slave-holders and misogynists though they may have been) were reasonable enough to recognize these differences and to suggest a separation of Church and State. However, today's Right-wingers are far less tolerant.

I have no great respect for Bush 41, but I must give him credit. During the primary campaign against Reagan, he referred to the latter's "trickle-down" notion as "voodoo economics," which is as apt a description as any. The wealthy have prospered at the cost of the poor and middle classes. Social Security benefits were taxed for the first time ever under the "sainted" Reagan, so what was trickling down?

Talk radio is more than 91 percent conservative or Right wing. Isn't it amazing how they take to the air waves to bleat lies about the "liberal media"?

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It's tough to run a liberal network because smart people are so diverse and critical, whereas the right seems to follow the same Pied Piper, the Prince of Lies. The latest The Atlantic has a great feature on how Trump took over the GOP, and how everyone that is now following him just recently disavowed him before kissing the ring.

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