Trump presents an enormous threat to "democracy," to the limited extent that it actually exists in this country. The inference of his Florida statement -- i.e., "You won't have to vote anymore" -- is absolutely chilling, and the fact that he selected such a hardline fascist (i.e., Vance) as his VP should also serve to alert people to the danger. Sadly, it may not.

The latest news from the Great Salt Lake is by no means unrelated. We must not forget that Trump enjoyed his role as climate change "Denier-in-Chief," and that his antagonism to science and scientists is well documented. He appointed the corrupt Scott Pruitt and then Andrew R. Wheeler (who represented coal producer, Murray Energy) to head the EPA. He turned over the post of Secretary of the Interior to Ryan Zinke (forced to resign in 2019 because of numerous ethical scandals) and then David Bernhardt (a lobbyist for the energy sector). However bad the situation is in Utah's Great Salt Lake, it will only get worse if Trump is reelected!

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I don't get how any sane person can support Trump and his clear hypocrisy, such as selling a Bible he probably never opened.

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