Vance is now to Trump what Agnew was to Nixon: the attack dog that says the things that even the presidential candidate doesn't. In other words, all the homophobia, racism, transphobia, xenophobia, and other good "family values" for which ReThuglicans stand.

I am surprised, though, that no one has picked up on what TRUMP said (within the headlines): << Trump urges Christians to vote: ‘You won’t have to do it’ in four years. >> If the would-be Führer gets his way, there won't be ANY elections in 2028, because the Reich will rule.

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I posted that video on my FB yesterday... he also told the Christians "I am not a Christian"

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For once, he told the truth. Christians believe Jesus was the Messiah; Trump believes that HE (i.e., Trump) is the Messiah ("Chosen One").

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Ha! I love it

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